[getdns-api] async comments (0.268)

Matt Miller linuxwolf
Tue Feb 5 03:31:51 CET 2013

On Feb 4, 2013, at 8:04 AM, Dan Winship <dan.winship at gmail.com> wrote:

> Some comments from the point of view of thinking about reimplementing
> GLib's getaddrinfo()-in-threads-based resolver
> (http://developer.gnome.org/gio/stable/GResolver.html) with one based on
> getdns()...
>> The callback function might be called at any time, even before
>> getdns() has returned.
> Our experience in GNOME has been that this tends to lead to bugs; the
> code after the getdns() call has to deal with two possible states of
> the world (eg, the userarg data may or may not have been freed), and
> so code like:
>  status = getdns (context, name, GETDNS_RRTYPE_A, NULL,
>                   myuserdata, &transaction_id, mycallback);
>  myuserdata->id = transaction_id;
> would be wrong, but not obviously so (and it might actually work 100%
> of the time with one getdns implementation, but fail sporadically with
> others). It's not much harder for the getdns() implementation to just
> guarantee that it won't invoke the callback until after you return to
> the event loop, and then you protect the caller from that class of
> bugs.

I personally don't have an objection to such a guarantee.  Although, in your problem example, the very quick workaround would be:

status = getdns (context, name, GETDNS_RRTYPE_A, NULL,
                 myuserdata, &myuserdata->id, mycallback);

Maybe it's enough for this spec to say something about guaranteeing when the transaction_id is set relative to when the callback is invoked?

>> getdns_cancel_callback() may return immediately, even before the
>> callback finishes its work and returns.
> As above, the "may" makes things messy; it should either always call
> the callback itself before returning, or always just schedule the
> callback to be called upon returning to the event loop.

While I don't necessarily object to forcing a particular direction, I also don't think it makes it all that messy.  In any good asynchronous API, user is not guaranteed anything until the callback is invoked.

>> Each implementation of the DNS API will specify an extension function
>> that tells the DNS context which event base is being used.
> This seems inconvenient for everyone involved except the API
> specification author. :-)

This could probably be worded differently, but we were operating under the assumption that the first implementations would not be built into libc.  If libc were really to implement it for us, maybe it's not necessary for this setup function to be called...

> getdns() implementation authors (which, in the long run really means
> "libc/libresolv maintainers") don't want to have to know about every
> possible event loop implementation. (And they can't anyway, and even
> if they did, they'd have no good way to integrate with non-C-based
> ones.)
> Event loop implementation authors don't want to have to worry about
> getting every getdns() implementation to support them, and don't want
> to have to write N different integration thingies for N different
> getdns() implementations.
> getdns() users don't want to have to write:
>      getdns_extension_set_libevent_base (context);
>      getdns_extension_set_eventbase_for_libevent (context);
>  #else
>  #error Don't know how to set up getdns() on this platform
>  #endif
> There needs to just be a standard part of the API that can be used to
> register any event loop with any getdns() implementation. (Or at
> least, there needs to be an API that any unix event loop
> implementation can use, and an API that any Windows event loop
> implementation can use, etc.)

Most of us app writers pick a single (aggregated) event dispatch camp to support and move on.  In my app, I would not have this set of defines nor would I be concerned tremendously about UNIX (poll, epoll, kqueue, select) versus Windows (win32-ioctl, select); that's what libevent (or libuv if you prefer) does, and does well.

> On unixy platforms, all getdns() implementations are going to be based
> on sockets and timeouts, and all event loops are going to be based on
> poll() or something equivalent. So something like this would work:
> void getdns_context_set_event_loop(
>  getdns_context_t               context,
>  getdns_event_loop_add_fd_t     add_fd_function,
>  getdns_event_loop_remove_fd_t  remove_fd_function,
>  void                           *looparg
> );
> typedef void (*getdns_event_loop_add_fd_t)(
>  getdns_context_t       context,
>  void                   *looparg,
>  getdns_transaction_t   transaction_id,
>  struct pollfd          pollfd,
>  int                    timeout
> );
> typedef void (*getdns_event_loop_remove_fd_t)(
>  getdns_context_t       context,
>  void                   *looparg,
>  getdns_transaction_t   transaction_id
> );
> The app would call getdns_context_set_event_loop() (either directly,
> or via some helper function provided by the event loop library), and
> then getdns would call the add_fd_function and remove_fd_function as
> it needed, to change the set of sockets to poll. When one of the fds
> was ready, or the timeout expired, the event loop would call something
> like
> void getdns_context_process_event(
>  getdns_context_t       context,
>  getdns_transaction_t   transaction_id,
>  int                    fd,
>  bool                   timed_out
> );
> I don't know how people expect async stuff to work on Windows, so I'm
> not sure what the API would have to look like there. It might involve
> replacing all the fd and pollfd args with HANDLEs.

You should probably read more about libevent and/or libuv/libev.  This kind of work is exactly what both of those libraries do.  Unfortunately, while they are functionally equivalent, they are not identical.

>> 1.5 Calling the API Synchronously (Without Events)
> I think the getdns_sync_request() API probably makes sense the way it
> is, and would be useful to lots of people, but just for the record, the
> fact that it isn't cancellable means we wouldn't be able to use it to
> implement sync lookups in GLib. But making it cancellable would imply
> making it thread-safe too (since another thread would be the only
> place you could be cancelling from), so you probably don't want to go
> there.

For those of us involved since the beginning, we were heavily biased toward the asynchronous model.  Some of us fought to not have the _sync_ functions even exist (-:

- m&m

Matthew A. Miller
< http://goo.gl/LK55L >

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