[getdns-api] 0.268 srv_addresses not useful

Paul Hoffman paul.hoffman
Thu Jan 31 22:23:37 CET 2013

On Jan 31, 2013, at 11:52 AM, Phil Pennock <getdns-api-phil at spodhuis.org> wrote:

> On 2013-01-31 at 10:37 -0800, Paul Hoffman wrote:
>> That was not the intention; the intention was to use the RFC 2782
>> default logic. And it looks like I did it badly. Thanks for catching
>> this!
> Welcome.  At least some good came out of my writing that DNS wrapper
> library for handling SRV lookups.  :)


<p>The API can make service discovery through SRV records easier. If the <code>request_type</code>
in the call was for SRV records, the top level of <code>replies_tree</code> has an additional name,
<code>srv_addresses</code> (a list). The list is ordered by priority, with one host from each
priority (based on the weighting algorithm in RFC 2782), lowest priority value first. ...


<p>The API can make service discovery through SRV records easier. If the <code>request_type</code>
in the call was for SRV records, the top level of <code>replies_tree</code> has two additional names,
<code>srv_addresses_all</code> (a list) and <code>srv_addresses_selected</code>.
The <code>srv_addresses_all</code> list is ordered by priority and weight based on the weighting
algorithm in RFC 2782), lowest priority value first. The <code>srv_addresses_selected</code> list
is similar to the <code>srv_addresses_all</code> list, except with just one address from each
priority; the API will select this address based on a weighted probability.

--Paul Hoffman

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