[getdns-users] First release candidate for getdns-1.4.1

Willem Toorop willem at nlnetlabs.nl
Mon Mar 5 17:21:18 CET 2018

Dear all,

We have a first release candidate for the upcoming 1.4.1 quick-fix
release of getdns.

This release has a fix for a DNSSEC validation failure for insecure
NODATA responses, which was introduced in getdns-1.2.1. Besides this
DNSSEC bugfix getdns can now also determine the DNSSEC validation status
of zone's with missing SOA records. This sometimes occurs with sloppily
implemented CDNs.

Besides these DNSSEC fixes, this release also contains a few upstream
management improvements, mainly contributed by Robert Groenenberg:

  * Before, when a UDP query for a specific upstream failed, is was
    marked to back off for a certain number of queries. The number of
    queries to let pass before giving it another go, increased
    exponentially on each successive failure. This exponential back off
    increase is now limited. The default maximum UDP back off value is
    1000. This means that when an UDP upstream is down, it will always
    at least retry one every 1000 queries.

  * When all UDP upstreams are failing (for example because the WiFi is
    temporarily down), the back off scheme described above will be
    abandoned, and all failing upstreams will be retried equally. This
    speeds up DNS availability reestablishment when upstream become
    functional again (WiFi is up!).

  * For each individual query, every upstream will be tried only once.
    This resolves a nasty bug in which failing TCP upstreams are retried
    over and over again with the same failing query, because TCP
    upstreams lack the time based back off mechanisms that TLS upstreams

A few more issues are addressed with this release.
For a complete overview see the ChangeLog section below.

Please review this release candidate carefully, if all is well, the
actual release will follow Monday the 12th of March.

link  : https://getdnsapi.net/dist/getdns-1.4.1-rc1.tar.gz
pgp   : https://getdnsapi.net/dist/getdns-1.4.1-rc1.tar.gz.asc
sha256: e1540d289ec82a752f0d4046d59c2445b76dcdc74a8653b90d7e530e6b2bec19

* 2018-03-??: Version 1.4.1
  * Bugfix #388: Prevent fallback to an earlier tried upstream within a
    single query.  Thanks Robert Groenenberg
  * PR #387: Compile with OpenSSL with deprecated APIs disabled.
    Thanks Rosen Penev
  * PR #386: UDP failover improvements:
    - When all UDP upstreams fail, retry them (more or less) equally
    - Limit maximum UDP backoff (default to 1000)
      This is configurable with the --with-max-udp-backoff configure
    Thanks Robert Groenenberg
  * Bugfix: Find zonecut with DS queries (instead of SOA queries).
    Thanks Elmer Lastdrager
  * Bugfix #385: Verifying insecure NODATA answers (broken since 1.2.1).
    Thanks hanvinke
  * PR #384: Fix minor spelling and formatting.  Thanks dkg.
  * Bugfix #382: Parallel install of getdns_query and getdns_server_mon

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