[getdns-api] Python bindings pre-release

Melinda Shore melinda.shore at nomountain.net
Wed Aug 20 06:17:02 CEST 2014

Hi, all:

Many, many apologies for the delay, but an pre-release of the new
getdns Python bindings is available for download and testing.  As
before, the repo is here:
but the revised bindings are in the "develop" branch until official
release.  The documentation for this code will be here (again, until
the official release): http://getdns.readthedocs.org/en/develop/.

There are two major changes:

1) async queries have been implemented, and
2) we've implemented a new Context() object, with attributes
   you can set and read normally rather than using getters and
   setters, and with searches as object methods

We'd encourage you to download and hammer on it, and let us
know if/when you encounter problems.  The plan is to do a
bunch of testing this week and release it as version 0.2.0
late this week or early next week, depending on whether or not
we find problems.

If you're not familiar with git branching, it's pretty

git clone https://github.com/getdnsapi/getdns-python-bindings
git checkout develop
python setup.py build
sudo python setup.py install

The previous bindings interface is still included in this release.
It will be deprecated and removed in a maintenance release in
early fall.

We'll also be incorporating some of the suggestions we've received
via this mailing list in subsequent releases.



Melinda Shore
No Mountain Software
melinda.shore at nomountain.net

"Software longa, hardware brevis."
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